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We firmly believe a critical component of any financial plan is protecting your personal and financial wellbeing from unforeseen events in life.

Backup Plan is suited to people who:


  • Have debts such as mortgage, credit cards and/or personal loans

  • Have children and/or other financial dependents

  • Rely on their income and cannot afford to go any period without it

  • Have some savings and assets but want to make sure it's protected should the unforeseen occur

  • Need to better understand insurances like Income Protection, Life and TPD and Critical Illness cover, but don't know where to start

  • Want to better understand what insurance cover and structure is most appropriate for their circumstances

  • Are seeking a tailored wealth protection strategy and address long-term insurance needs

  • Need the above but don't don't a full financial plan at this stage


Initial Advice Outcomes

  • Full review of current financial position to establish what's most important to you 

  • Review of any existing insurance policies including policies held inside your super account

  • A complete Insurance Needs Analysis to determine how much life insurance is necessary to cover your individual and family needs and circumstances

  • Strategies aligned with key goals, objectives and ambitions for the future

Your Financial Plan is comprehensive, personalised and contains

an easy to understand strategy presented within a Statement of Advice

Ongoing Support

Insurance providers cover our costs so we can continue to provide you with ongoing support for the life of your insurance policies. 

Ongoing Services include:

  • Annual Insurance Review

    • An annual review to ensure the wealth protection strategy we originally provided continues to remain appropriate for your evolving needs.

  • Administration Service and Insurance Support

    • ​We will assist in dealing with insurance companies for underwriting, claims and enquiries and well as provide you with assistance in relation to your insurance policies into the future.


  • Contact Point 

    • A central point of contact for policy related questions or protection strategy adjustments.


  • Keeping you informed and educated

    • ​We will provide you with periodic updates and information relating to insurance policy changes, designed to keep you informed and educated.  This may take the form of videos, webinars, our website insights or similar forms.​​


WCG is a Fee for Service practice, so you will always know the exact cost before proceeding with any of our programs.

1. Let's Get Started!

Our Engagement Fee is a one-off, and covers the initial costs with formulating an advice strategy and creating a Statement of Advice. ​​

$220 Individual

$330 Joint

The costs associated with formulating advice, creating advice documents & assisting with application forms are covered by upfront commissions from insurance providers. Therefore, we only charge our Engagement Fee should you not proceed with any recommendations.

Ongoing Support

Insurance providers cover our costs by way of ongoing commissions so we can continue to provide you with ongoing support for the life of your insurance policies without charging you anything additional. 

2. Let's Keep it on Track!

All pricing includes GST.

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